About Me
Lucy - Artist - London
I’m Lucy Zhong, born and bred in East Sussex under incredibly Asian tiger parents, currently living in London.
It’s been an eclectic journey so far – I’ve considered a career in music, considered a career in medicine, ended up graduating with an MSc in Organisational and Social Psychology, worked in a business/strategy start-up, moved into fashion working for ASOS and then Selfridges. On the side I’ve dabbled with investing, started up a drop-shipping business, created an NFT.. the list goes on. This constant and curious interplay of art + science + humanity.
If there is anything my life journey so far has taught me, it’s these three things: 1. People are what matters, 2. Life is much more dynamic and flexible than what the world might have you think, and 3. No matter how much you try to suppress facets of your personality or talent, no matter how often your parents might tell you that there is no future for you in the arts/music space, you will still circle right back around and that part of you will manifest itself in some way anyway.
And then covid hit.
In a pandemic, picked up a paintbrush, found a passion. Something that allows me to connect and communicate myself to as many as possible and not be limited by time, location or language. As you might have noticed from my work, there is also a significant focus on women, all of whom should be celebrated endlessly for their diversity, strength, sexiness, softness, bravery. My work aims to take on a holistic approach and paint a feeling, a memory, a mood, as well as something beautiful to look upon. If I can achieve this for even one person, I’ll hang my hat on that.
I would love for you to join me on this journey, too. Reach out to me about commissions, purchases, or even just to connect and chat – let’s link the world!
Get in touch.
Purchases, commissions, enquiries, collaborations, licensing, general chit chat - hit me up!